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Bohemian Grove, Alabama, United States
In blackest day and even blacker night,no face or heel shall escape his sight,let those who are foolish put up a fight and be destroyed by Nemestro's might.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The founder of the Red Lantern Corps who anointed the Red Lantern in blood and harnesses the power of the Red Spectrum of light. Atrocitus is an angry man with a dark past.

The being known as Atrocitus was born on planet Ryut, and was a survivor of the infamous Massacre of Sector 666, during which the Manhunters wiped out the life in an entire space sector except for five lifeforms.  These five became the terrorists known as the Five Inversions, led by Atrocitus, and sought revenge against the Guardians of the Universe and gained powers through dark magics.  Over time, the demons would build themselves a strong following of worshipers and become known as the Empire of Tears.  When the Guardians decided to rid the universe of magic to make way for order, the Empire crumbled and the Five Inversions were imprisoned and crucified on the planet  Ysmault to serve out a long sentence for the crimes they had committed.  However, the demons were still far from powerless.  Through rituals and sacrifices, they discovered a black power so dark it was beyond the power of the Guardians' light.  

Much later, Atrocitus was outraged with his associate Qull for revealing the prophecy of the Blackest Night to the Green Lantern Abin Sur.  However, Qull's manipulations of the Green Lantern did aid Atrocitus in being released from Ysmault. Abin Sur took him from the planet against orders of the Guardians, traveling to Earth to use Atrocitus to help him find the source of this black power that was prophesied to consume the universe.  In transit, Atrocitus exploited the fear these dark prophecies had infected Abin Sur with to free himself from his restraints.  He severely wounded Abin Sur and caused them both to crash to Earth's surface, though Atrocitus fell from the ship while it was still airborne.

Atrocitus survived the fall and committed himself to locating the source of the black power on Earth.  He used his blood rituals to discover it was to be found in a human named William Hand.  He also constructed a cosmic divining rod to contain the power.

In finding William Hand, he was in turn found by two Green Lanterns, Sinestro and a rookie Hal Jordan.  He used his cosmic divining rod on them to drain the power from their rings.  With them no longer a threat to him, he continued his pursuit of William Hand.  The two Green Lanterns managed to recharge their rings and catch up to him in time, but he was still a physical match for their power.  He nearly killed Sinestro with a yellow crane and would have succeeded if Hal Jordan not surprisingly overcome the yellow weakness to stop him.  Stunned, he was rendered unconscious by Sinestro, who triumphantly proclaimed himself the greatest Green Lantern.


Sinestro returned Atrocitus to Ysmault and renewed his crucification.  But before the Green Lantern left, Atrocitus and his fellow Inversions had a prophecy for him.  His homeworld of Korugar would descend into violent chaos as he focused on other worlds, and it would all spin out of his control.  Sinestro disregarded the prophecy at the time, but Atrocitus succeeded in planting the seeds of fear in Sinestro that would see to his eventual downfall as a Green Lantern.

After the Sinestro Corps War years later, Atrocitus came to realize a new source of power that would grant not just an escape from Ysmault but his revenge, as well.  Qull's blood would pay for it, because it was his manipulations of Abin Sur that led to the Five Inversions being left to rot on Ysmault rather than being transferred to Sciencells as was originally planned by the Guardians.  Atrocitus bludgeoned Qull with a red lantern, christening it in blood and awakening the power of the Red Light of Rage.  Atrocitus swore he would have his vengeance upon Sinestro.

Rather than leave Ysmault behind, Atrocitus constructed his Central Power Battery on the planet and made it the homeworld of his Red Lantern Corps.   Red power rings were dispatched, bringing back to him an army of beings overcome with rage.  At the root of their rage for many of them were actions committed by the Sinestro Corps, and Atrocitus favored them as they fed directly into his plans.  Knowing that Sinestro was being transferred to Korugar by the Green Lantern Corps to face his execution, Atrocitus led his Red Lanterns on an attack to intercept that transfer.  He and his Red Lanterns tore through the combined forces of the Green Lantern Corps and Sinestro Corps, succeeding in bringing Sinestro back to Ysmault.

Atrocitus had Sinestro crucified and intended to have Sinestro's blood fuel his power battery.  But first, he taunted Sinestro with the knowledge that he was aware of Sinestro's daughter.  Hal Jordan arrived to take Sinestro back, but Atrocitus was prepared for his arrival and had him captured.  Atrocitus had a prophecy for the human also, and it was one that said he would betray the Guardians again.  However, it was with the arrival of a Sinestro Corps unit and then two Blue Lanterns that caused his plan to go awry.  He did not fear the Blue Lanterns, knowing that their rings would be useless without Hal Jordan's green aura.  He watched as Hal Jordan's rage against Sinestro turned him into a Red Lantern and encouraged Sinestro's death.  Saint Walker interfered, freeing Hal Jordan of the red ring's influence with a blue one.  Atrocitus was then attacked by a Hal Jordan struggling with three different rings and stunned, allowing for all parties to escape Ysmault.

With all his prey having escaped, Atrocitus used his blood ritual magic to search for the Blue Lantern Corps' homeworld.  


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