For those of you who missed last night’s show, Mark
Random thoughts of enlightenment, wrestling, and the esoteric agenda of the invisibly visible.
About Me

- The Wicked Nemesis
- Bohemian Grove, Alabama, United States
- In blackest day and even blacker night,no face or heel shall escape his sight,let those who are foolish put up a fight and be destroyed by Nemestro's might.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Goodbye, Mark James
For those of you who missed last night’s show, Mark
James gave an impassioned speech on the state of Pro Wrestling Fandom – and at the end, announced his departure from Shoot Finish.
For those of you who missed last night’s show, Mark
1/11 Prophecy & Apocalypse
Author and researcher L.A. Marzulli discussed his latest research on biblical prophecy that suggests to him that the recent increase in global turmoil, calamities, and earth changes are the birth pangs of the apocalypse. The month of April had the deadliest weather in American history, and along with the Fukushima earthquake in March and various other events (see list), Marzulli has concluded that we are in an unprecedented period. "Something's been let attack humankind in a way that we've never seen and it's manifesting in the earthquakes and the volcanic activity," he warned.
There seems to be a body in the solar system that is affecting the lunar surface, which has made an anomalous rotation, he said. This could be what prophecy in the Bible referred to as "signs in the heaven," while the ancient Book of Enoch wrote "the moon shall alter her order and not appear at her time," he noted. "When we plug in Planet X, Nibiru, Elenin, Comet Honda, and others that seem to be manifesting in the sky-- what are we really looking at? It's alarming in my opinion," Marzulli commented, adding that we may be witnessing the effects of a Cosmic War taking place in a dimension that we don't see.
He related research being done on alien implants by Dr. Roger Leir-- how some of the surgically removed devices seem to reconstruct themselves within a 24-hour period, and may be used to alter DNA. Marzulli conjectured that this technology might be a prototype for the 'mark of the beast,' and a coming deception in which humankind is offered an implanted chip, that could expand lifespan to 500 years, disease free.
Planning for Asteroids
First hour guest, writer Tad Friend spoke about near-earth asteroids and efforts to shield Earth from their impacts. In the last 15 years, there's been real progress in detecting such asteroids, yet we still don't have a plan in place about what to do if a collision is likely, he reported. He outlined three different options:
Gravity Tracker-- a small rocket that would hover near an asteroid and tweak its orbit, gradually over time.
Kinetic Impactor-- running a heavy object into the asteroid to knock it off course.
Nuclear Weapons-- for an asteroid that is much larger/closer to us.
Author and researcher L.A. Marzulli discussed his latest research on biblical prophecy that suggests to him that the recent increase in global turmoil, calamities, and earth changes are the birth pangs of the apocalypse. The month of April had the deadliest weather in American history, and along with the Fukushima earthquake in March and various other events (see list), Marzulli has concluded that we are in an unprecedented period. "Something's been let attack humankind in a way that we've never seen and it's manifesting in the earthquakes and the volcanic activity," he warned.
There seems to be a body in the solar system that is affecting the lunar surface, which has made an anomalous rotation, he said. This could be what prophecy in the Bible referred to as "signs in the heaven," while the ancient Book of Enoch wrote "the moon shall alter her order and not appear at her time," he noted. "When we plug in Planet X, Nibiru, Elenin, Comet Honda, and others that seem to be manifesting in the sky-- what are we really looking at? It's alarming in my opinion," Marzulli commented, adding that we may be witnessing the effects of a Cosmic War taking place in a dimension that we don't see.
He related research being done on alien implants by Dr. Roger Leir-- how some of the surgically removed devices seem to reconstruct themselves within a 24-hour period, and may be used to alter DNA. Marzulli conjectured that this technology might be a prototype for the 'mark of the beast,' and a coming deception in which humankind is offered an implanted chip, that could expand lifespan to 500 years, disease free.
Planning for Asteroids
First hour guest, writer Tad Friend spoke about near-earth asteroids and efforts to shield Earth from their impacts. In the last 15 years, there's been real progress in detecting such asteroids, yet we still don't have a plan in place about what to do if a collision is likely, he reported. He outlined three different options:
Gravity Tracker-- a small rocket that would hover near an asteroid and tweak its orbit, gradually over time.
Kinetic Impactor-- running a heavy object into the asteroid to knock it off course.
Nuclear Weapons-- for an asteroid that is much larger/closer to us.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Pleased to Announce....
While recording a new session of PW24/7's highly successful show, "Shoot Finish" Greg 'Renegade' Ragland asking me to be the 3rd co host of the show. Now, I usually do Beyond Ringside about one MAYBE two Wednesdays a month, this is an opportunity to reach more people and a different group of fans who may not be familiar with me.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The founder of the Red Lantern Corps who anointed the Red Lantern in blood and harnesses the power of the Red Spectrum of light. Atrocitus is an angry man with a dark past.
The being known as Atrocitus was born on planet Ryut, and was a survivor of the infamous Massacre of Sector 666, during which the Manhunters wiped out the life in an entire space sector except for five lifeforms. These five became the terrorists known as the Five Inversions, led by Atrocitus, and sought revenge against the Guardians of the Universe and gained powers through dark magics. Over time, the demons would build themselves a strong following of worshipers and become known as the Empire of Tears. When the Guardians decided to rid the universe of magic to make way for order, the Empire crumbled and the Five Inversions were imprisoned and crucified on the planet Ysmault to serve out a long sentence for the crimes they had committed. However, the demons were still far from powerless. Through rituals and sacrifices, they discovered a black power so dark it was beyond the power of the Guardians' light.
Much later, Atrocitus was outraged with his associate Qull for revealing the prophecy of the Blackest Night to the Green Lantern Abin Sur. However, Qull's manipulations of the Green Lantern did aid Atrocitus in being released from Ysmault. Abin Sur took him from the planet against orders of the Guardians, traveling to Earth to use Atrocitus to help him find the source of this black power that was prophesied to consume the universe. In transit, Atrocitus exploited the fear these dark prophecies had infected Abin Sur with to free himself from his restraints. He severely wounded Abin Sur and caused them both to crash to Earth's surface, though Atrocitus fell from the ship while it was still airborne.
Atrocitus survived the fall and committed himself to locating the source of the black power on Earth. He used his blood rituals to discover it was to be found in a human named William Hand. He also constructed a cosmic divining rod to contain the power.
In finding William Hand, he was in turn found by two Green Lanterns, Sinestro and a rookie Hal Jordan. He used his cosmic divining rod on them to drain the power from their rings. With them no longer a threat to him, he continued his pursuit of William Hand. The two Green Lanterns managed to recharge their rings and catch up to him in time, but he was still a physical match for their power. He nearly killed Sinestro with a yellow crane and would have succeeded if Hal Jordan not surprisingly overcome the yellow weakness to stop him. Stunned, he was rendered unconscious by Sinestro, who triumphantly proclaimed himself the greatest Green Lantern.
Sinestro returned Atrocitus to Ysmault and renewed his crucification. But before the Green Lantern left, Atrocitus and his fellow Inversions had a prophecy for him. His homeworld of Korugar would descend into violent chaos as he focused on other worlds, and it would all spin out of his control. Sinestro disregarded the prophecy at the time, but Atrocitus succeeded in planting the seeds of fear in Sinestro that would see to his eventual downfall as a Green Lantern.
After the Sinestro Corps War years later, Atrocitus came to realize a new source of power that would grant not just an escape from Ysmault but his revenge, as well. Qull's blood would pay for it, because it was his manipulations of Abin Sur that led to the Five Inversions being left to rot on Ysmault rather than being transferred to Sciencells as was originally planned by the Guardians. Atrocitus bludgeoned Qull with a red lantern, christening it in blood and awakening the power of the Red Light of Rage. Atrocitus swore he would have his vengeance upon Sinestro.
Rather than leave Ysmault behind, Atrocitus constructed his Central Power Battery on the planet and made it the homeworld of his Red Lantern Corps. Red power rings were dispatched, bringing back to him an army of beings overcome with rage. At the root of their rage for many of them were actions committed by the Sinestro Corps, and Atrocitus favored them as they fed directly into his plans. Knowing that Sinestro was being transferred to Korugar by the Green Lantern Corps to face his execution, Atrocitus led his Red Lanterns on an attack to intercept that transfer. He and his Red Lanterns tore through the combined forces of the Green Lantern Corps and Sinestro Corps, succeeding in bringing Sinestro back to Ysmault.
Atrocitus had Sinestro crucified and intended to have Sinestro's blood fuel his power battery. But first, he taunted Sinestro with the knowledge that he was aware of Sinestro's daughter. Hal Jordan arrived to take Sinestro back, but Atrocitus was prepared for his arrival and had him captured. Atrocitus had a prophecy for the human also, and it was one that said he would betray the Guardians again. However, it was with the arrival of a Sinestro Corps unit and then two Blue Lanterns that caused his plan to go awry. He did not fear the Blue Lanterns, knowing that their rings would be useless without Hal Jordan's green aura. He watched as Hal Jordan's rage against Sinestro turned him into a Red Lantern and encouraged Sinestro's death. Saint Walker interfered, freeing Hal Jordan of the red ring's influence with a blue one. Atrocitus was then attacked by a Hal Jordan struggling with three different rings and stunned, allowing for all parties to escape Ysmault.
With all his prey having escaped, Atrocitus used his blood ritual magic to search for the Blue Lantern Corps' homeworld.
The being known as Atrocitus was born on planet Ryut, and was a survivor of the infamous Massacre of Sector 666, during which the Manhunters wiped out the life in an entire space sector except for five lifeforms. These five became the terrorists known as the Five Inversions, led by Atrocitus, and sought revenge against the Guardians of the Universe and gained powers through dark magics. Over time, the demons would build themselves a strong following of worshipers and become known as the Empire of Tears. When the Guardians decided to rid the universe of magic to make way for order, the Empire crumbled and the Five Inversions were imprisoned and crucified on the planet Ysmault to serve out a long sentence for the crimes they had committed. However, the demons were still far from powerless. Through rituals and sacrifices, they discovered a black power so dark it was beyond the power of the Guardians' light.
Much later, Atrocitus was outraged with his associate Qull for revealing the prophecy of the Blackest Night to the Green Lantern Abin Sur. However, Qull's manipulations of the Green Lantern did aid Atrocitus in being released from Ysmault. Abin Sur took him from the planet against orders of the Guardians, traveling to Earth to use Atrocitus to help him find the source of this black power that was prophesied to consume the universe. In transit, Atrocitus exploited the fear these dark prophecies had infected Abin Sur with to free himself from his restraints. He severely wounded Abin Sur and caused them both to crash to Earth's surface, though Atrocitus fell from the ship while it was still airborne.
Atrocitus survived the fall and committed himself to locating the source of the black power on Earth. He used his blood rituals to discover it was to be found in a human named William Hand. He also constructed a cosmic divining rod to contain the power.
In finding William Hand, he was in turn found by two Green Lanterns, Sinestro and a rookie Hal Jordan. He used his cosmic divining rod on them to drain the power from their rings. With them no longer a threat to him, he continued his pursuit of William Hand. The two Green Lanterns managed to recharge their rings and catch up to him in time, but he was still a physical match for their power. He nearly killed Sinestro with a yellow crane and would have succeeded if Hal Jordan not surprisingly overcome the yellow weakness to stop him. Stunned, he was rendered unconscious by Sinestro, who triumphantly proclaimed himself the greatest Green Lantern.
Sinestro returned Atrocitus to Ysmault and renewed his crucification. But before the Green Lantern left, Atrocitus and his fellow Inversions had a prophecy for him. His homeworld of Korugar would descend into violent chaos as he focused on other worlds, and it would all spin out of his control. Sinestro disregarded the prophecy at the time, but Atrocitus succeeded in planting the seeds of fear in Sinestro that would see to his eventual downfall as a Green Lantern.
After the Sinestro Corps War years later, Atrocitus came to realize a new source of power that would grant not just an escape from Ysmault but his revenge, as well. Qull's blood would pay for it, because it was his manipulations of Abin Sur that led to the Five Inversions being left to rot on Ysmault rather than being transferred to Sciencells as was originally planned by the Guardians. Atrocitus bludgeoned Qull with a red lantern, christening it in blood and awakening the power of the Red Light of Rage. Atrocitus swore he would have his vengeance upon Sinestro.
Rather than leave Ysmault behind, Atrocitus constructed his Central Power Battery on the planet and made it the homeworld of his Red Lantern Corps. Red power rings were dispatched, bringing back to him an army of beings overcome with rage. At the root of their rage for many of them were actions committed by the Sinestro Corps, and Atrocitus favored them as they fed directly into his plans. Knowing that Sinestro was being transferred to Korugar by the Green Lantern Corps to face his execution, Atrocitus led his Red Lanterns on an attack to intercept that transfer. He and his Red Lanterns tore through the combined forces of the Green Lantern Corps and Sinestro Corps, succeeding in bringing Sinestro back to Ysmault.
Atrocitus had Sinestro crucified and intended to have Sinestro's blood fuel his power battery. But first, he taunted Sinestro with the knowledge that he was aware of Sinestro's daughter. Hal Jordan arrived to take Sinestro back, but Atrocitus was prepared for his arrival and had him captured. Atrocitus had a prophecy for the human also, and it was one that said he would betray the Guardians again. However, it was with the arrival of a Sinestro Corps unit and then two Blue Lanterns that caused his plan to go awry. He did not fear the Blue Lanterns, knowing that their rings would be useless without Hal Jordan's green aura. He watched as Hal Jordan's rage against Sinestro turned him into a Red Lantern and encouraged Sinestro's death. Saint Walker interfered, freeing Hal Jordan of the red ring's influence with a blue one. Atrocitus was then attacked by a Hal Jordan struggling with three different rings and stunned, allowing for all parties to escape Ysmault.
With all his prey having escaped, Atrocitus used his blood ritual magic to search for the Blue Lantern Corps' homeworld.
Red Lantern Corps
The hate that founded the Red Lantern Corps came out of the infamous Massacre of Sector 666, during which the Manhunters exterminated life in an entire sector. The five survivors of this unthinkable genocide swore vengeance upon the Guardians of the Universe and became the Five Inversions terrorist cell. These five beings were eventually brought down and crucified on the hellish prison planet Ysmault, where one's rage continued unyielding. This one, Atrocitus, delved deeper into his dark magic in search of a power to strong enough to exact his vengeance.
Eventually, Atrocitus found his power in the Emotional Spectrum's red light of rage and the means to access it via blood magic. Crafting a red lantern, he bludgeoned one of his fellow Inversions, Qull, to death and anointed it in blood. He then bled out all his fellow Inversions to fuel the new Central Power Battery of the Red Lantern Corps. Atrocitus has felt a need to exact revenge against Sinestro, which leads to later actions by the Red Lantern Corps against the Sinestro Corps, and specifically Sinestro.
Another harsh penalty the Guardians employed due to the danger the Red Lanterns represented was to authorize a strike on Ysmault itself to wipe the Red Lantern Corps out. The Alpha Lanterns and Lost Lanterns were dispatched for the job, but the priority of the Lost Lanterns was only the recovery of Laira's body for a respectful burial. The Alpha Lanterns struck with ruthless efficiency, executing every Red Lantern they could on sight, while the Lost Lanterns fought their way to Laira. Neither side of the conflict realize what was happening in the rest of the universe and what was about to reach them.
Black power rings rained down on Ysmault, reanimating all the victims of the Red Lantern Corps and deceased Red Lanterns such as Laira. Atrocitus was left facing his fellow Inversions, who he slaughtered to create his corps. However, it was discovered that Red Lanterns had advantaged against this Black Lantern Corps that others did not. A Red Lantern could survive the heart-harvesting attacks of a Black Lantern, because their power rings had replaced the need for their hearts already. Red Lanterns were immune to the Black Lanterns attempts to feed on their rage.
While Atrocitus joined forces with representatives of the other Corps of Light to fight the source of the Black Lanterns, the Red Lantern Corps entered into a truce with the other living corps to fight the Blackest Night. When matters reached their worst, Mera was deputized into the Red Lantern Corps to assist Atrocitus directly in the fight against Nekron. The extent of her rage surprised many but was found particularly appealing by the Red Lanterns' leader, Atrocitus.
On Oa, Vice was released again and used to help fight back the army of Black Lanterns attempting to destroy the Green Lantern Corps' Central Power Battery. Despite his rampage proving very effective, he was killed by Alpha Lantern Chaselon, who could not see past his programming and executed Vice as an enemy of the Green Lantern Corps. However, Vice's red power ring found its way onto Guy Gardner's hand. For a brief time, he became a member of the Red Lantern Corps until his friends succeeded in freeing him of the ring.
During the crisis back on Earth, Atrocitus confronted the Spectre and mistakenly tried to claim him as the Red Lantern Corps avatar of rage. The attempt failed with the Spectre claiming not to be the rage entity the Red Lanterns seek and warning Atrocitus that truly finding the entity would be disastrous for all involved.
The full Red Lantern Corps along with all the other Corps of Light soon caught up to Atrocitus on Earth when all the Black Lanterns converged on the planet. They fought together to hold the line against the Black Lantern horde until the power of the White Lantern could be used to finally end the Blackest Night. Mera was relieved of her red power ring and her rage at the sight of her resurrected husband, Aquaman. Her heart went into cardiac arrest the ring stating her rage compromised.
Sinestro Corps
The Sinestro Corps is a group of fictional characters, a villainous analogue to the Green
Lantern Corps in the DC Universe. It is led by the supervillain Thaal Sinestro.
The Parallax entity is a space parasite that is the embodiment of fear that was imprisoned within the Central Power Battery on Oa. As time passed, the entity became known as the yellow impurity, the cause for the power rings' weakness to the color yellow.
Thaal Sinestro, at the time the universe's greatest Green Lantern, was sent to Earth by Supernova in a plot to erase Guy Gardner from history. Booster Gold was assigned to prevent this from happening. To do so, he convinced Sinestro to leave Earth, claiming that he was an admirer from the future, and that his yellow Legion of Super-Heroes flight ring was a tribute to Sinestro. When asked what Corps he belongs to, Booster ad-libbed "The...Sinestro Corps," leading Sinestro to twirl his mustache in thought while mumbling "Of course...Of course."
After Sinestro went rogue, he was banished by the Guardians of the Universe to Qward in the Antimatter universe. When he returned, he wielded a power ring which used yellow energy. After various encounters with Earth's Green Lantern Hal Jordan, he was imprisoned within the Central Power Battery. There he was able to use his ring, which uses fear, as opposed to willpower, as a power source, to awaken Parallax from hibernation. From here, Parallax and Sinestro were able to influence the fall of Hal Jordan and instigate the fall of the Green Lantern Corps, leaving one last Green Lantern: Kyle Rayner.
It was revealed that after untold millennia, the Weaponers of Qward, Ranx the Sentient City, the Children of the White Lobe, and the Empire of Tears will rise united against the Green Lantern Corps. This was largely ignored up until upgraded Manhunters started to appear throughout the universe. Hal Jordan encountered one on Earth and, with Guy Gardner, followed their trail to Sector 3601. Hal and Guy found several Green Lanterns, all of who were assumed to have been killed during the Emerald Twilight saga, and the Manhunters' new grandmaster Hank Henshaw, the Cyborg Superman. The Manhunters were defeated and Henshaw's head was brought to Oa. The Book of Oa has a forbidden chapter on cosmic prophecies, which included the following:
“ | "A face of metal and flesh shall speak of the secrets of the 52. | ” |
—Book Of Oa, Green Lantern vol. 4 #20 |
Monday, June 13, 2011
Blogs That I Just Discovered & Recommend
If you don't know what synchroicity is, here's a definition for you:
Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events, that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, that are observed to occur together in a meaningful manner. The concept of synchronicity was first described by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s.
The idea of synchronicity is that the conceptual relationship of minds, defined as the relationship between ideas, is intricately structured in its own logical way and gives rise to relationships that are not causal in nature. These relationships can manifest themselves as simultaneous occurrences that are meaningfully related.
If you don't know what synchroicity is, here's a definition for you:
Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events, that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, that are observed to occur together in a meaningful manner. The concept of synchronicity was first described by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in the 1920s.
The idea of synchronicity is that the conceptual relationship of minds, defined as the relationship between ideas, is intricately structured in its own logical way and gives rise to relationships that are not causal in nature. These relationships can manifest themselves as simultaneous occurrences that are meaningfully related.
Cru Jones New Website
Hot Like Lava!
From Cru(cifix) Jones:
Do you have news, info, shows, posters, matches, webisodes, photos, quotes, rants, videos, gossip, dirt, gigs, or just plain BS that needs to get out? Then send it to me.
From Cru(cifix) Jones:
Do you have news, info, shows, posters, matches, webisodes, photos, quotes, rants, videos, gossip, dirt, gigs, or just plain BS that needs to get out? Then send it to me.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
King James a 'Super Villain' ?
"James agreed the loss felt like a “personal failure” but also said “it hurts of course, but I’m not going to hang my head low.”
“Sometimes you got it, sometimes you don’t, and that was this case in this series,” James said."
Does this sound like something that would 'embrace' the 'super villain' persona? HELL NO! LeBron just stick to what you know best.... never being CLOSE to Jordan.
Red Ice radio - 5.26.2011 - Gods of Eden, Alien Colonization & Eradication of Humanity
William Bramley - Gods of Eden, Alien Colonization & Eradication of Humanity
May 26, 2011
William Bramley began his writing career at age twenty-six when he began the research that would culminate into his first book The Gods of Eden. His second book is called Jesus Goes to Hollywood: The Alternative Theories About Christ. In this interview William begins talking about the connection between war and apocalyptic religions, tools to create disunity and gain control. Then, we get into the subject of ETs. Does our planet belong to them? Bill will discuss alien abductees, David Jacobs and ETs understanding of the soul. He'll also talk about making contact and various groups who claim interaction with specific beings. Next, Bill questions if we're heading for a"wipe out" and shares his research on current trends connecting the human food supply, famine and plaques. It is also possible that humans are slowly being eradicated on the planet. We'll talk more about David Jacobs' research that claims hybrids are integrating into society and slowly taking over. We end the first hour talking about solving humanity's major problems. The answers are simple. Topics discussed: who profits, extra terrestrial entities, Ezekiel, apocalyptic belief, new religion, Tower of Babel, The Book of the Damned, Charles Fort, custodians of Earth, Enoch, reincarnation, Popul Vuh, spiritual abduction, the elite, Jehovah, historical divisions, royals, the reptilians, the grey-aliens, GMO's, human food supply and more.
Red Ice Radio - Dennis McKenna - Timewave Zero, Terrence & the Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss
Dennis McKenna is an American ethnopharmacologist, author and younger brother to well-known psychedelics proponent Terence McKenna. Terence is remembered as a radical philosopher, futurist, raconteur, and cultural commentator. He was one of the most articulate spokesmen for the post-psychedelic zeitgeist. He is one of the prime originators of the 2012 mythos with all its attendant apocalyptarian anxiety. Dennis joins us to discuss his book project on called,"The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss," a memoir telling the real story of his and Terence's intertwined life together over the last 60 years, and of the ideas, adventures, and explorations (both inner and outer) that they shared, including their expedition to the Amazon in 1971 together with a small coterie of fellow seekers bent on uncovering the real mystery behind the psychedelic experience. He also will talk about the 2012 phenomenon and his brother's "Timewave Zero" novelty idea. According to Terence McKenna the universe has a teleological attractor at the end of time that increases interconnectedness, eventually reaching a singularity of infinite complexity in 2012, at which point anything and everything imaginable will occur simultaneously. We also get into the topics of artificial intelligence, technology and transhumanism. Then, Dennis talks about psychedelics as learning tools in our evolution. He'll discuss tuning into other channels, overcoming threshold points and allowing new consciousness to flow in with the aid of plants. Lastly, he'll share how others can help and get involved with his book project.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Spiritual Adviser or Manager
This face is only a mask, a wicked ornament, illuminated by an exquisite grimace; atrociously contorted.
People hide behind MANY masks and due so in fear of exposing their true feelings or true intentions. I am NOT one of those people. I wear masks to point out to sheeple, that there is an invisibly visible agenda out there. An esoteric, and sometimes, exoteric agenda by all involved in any affair/angle. To show your true intentions to some is a weakness for the gullible or even weak minded of us all. The Illuminati and New World Order put their agenda right there in your face, and most never bat an eye to this. So as The Spiritual Adviser to names such as 'Calm Like a Bomb' Pandora, 'The Wrestling Hybrid' Orion Bishop, and The Profits of Doom and Merchants of Death let me give you some advice: Conquest is made of the ashes of one's enemies.
'The Oracle of Ominous' The Wicked Nemesis
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