About Me

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Bohemian Grove, Alabama, United States
In blackest day and even blacker night,no face or heel shall escape his sight,let those who are foolish put up a fight and be destroyed by Nemestro's might.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Merchants of Death come to ACW

January 7th 2012
Carbon Hill, AL
Alabama Championship Wrestling

The Merchants of Death, 'The Prime Minister of Pain' Slaughter & 'The Oracle of Ominous' The Wicked Nemesis introduce themselves to ACW

The Master Plan Comes Together

Alabama Wrestling Alliance
January 13th 2012
Munford, AL

The master plan comes together, and the Master Mind behind the movement is revealed.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Red Ice Radio: Tom Horn Apollyon Rising 2012


Tom Horn is an author, researcher and co-host of the radio show Raiders Live! News Talk Radio. Raiders News Update reports have been referred to by writers of the L.A. Times Syndicate, MSNBC, Christianity Today, World Net Daily, White House Correspondents and dozens of newsmagazines and press agencies around the globe. Tom will discuss his book Apollyon Rising. He'll share the secrets of the true Lost Symbol (what Dan Brown was looking for and did not find), the forbidden knowledge of the Vatican and Washington DC, and the two-hundred year old cipher hidden in plain site at the Capitol Dome and on the Great Seal of the United States. He'll explain how 2012 connects to an ancient cosmic conspiracy. 2012 is an important year not only to the founders of America but for various cultures on the planet. Then, we talk about the final pope, the messiah's arrival and the anti-Christ. We discuss Malachi Martin's testimony of Freemasonic and Satanic ties to the Catholic Church and how Vatican insiders are in the know about the anti-Christ and 2012.